Thursday, October 30, 2008

Drum roll please . . .

Most people choose a cute name like "Peanut" or "Sweet Pea" to refer to their baby before they know the gender. Matt chose the name "Bubba." It made me giggle every time I heard Matt refer to our baby as Bubba so I didn't mind.

Last week we had our BIG ultrasound . . . you know the one when we would find out if "Bubba" is actually boy. It turns out that Bubba is . . . a GIRL. So, now I think we need to find a new name to use until our sweet baby girl is born.

Here is a picture of her two little feet:

Friday, October 24, 2008

And speaking of weddings . . .

. . . I got some photos back from a wedding we went to several weeks ago. My cousin Kyle got married and it was one of the most fun and touching weddings I have been to. Perhaps it was all the time spent with the family, perhaps it was the beautiful setting in my uncle and aunt's back yard. We had a blast!

Kyle - We are proud of you cuz! Not just for all you have accomplished - but for who you have become!
Karin - Welcome to the family! So glad to have you as our cousin!

A Beautiful Wedding

Last Saturday we had the opportunity to attend the wedding of some friends of ours, Jon & Mandy Davies. I wish I had taken some photos that captured just how beautiful this wedding was!

Here is a photo of the cute couple:

I wanted to include some of the photos we took at the wedding, but unfortunately, they did not turn out. . . which is a pitty! It was such a beautiful wedding.

Jon & Mandy - we are so proud of you guys! We pray that you will come to know the love of God in a deeper way as you experience unconditional love from each other!

JV Orientation in Chicago

Our time in Chicago for JV Orientation was short, but so helpful! We stayed in this cute house with two other couples who were also there for orientation.

The owner of this place has graciously loaned the home to Josiah Venture to house all the various missionaries coming through town. Here are a few more pics of the inside of the place. I have to say that walking in the front door felt like "coming home."

Our room. . . so cute!

Then each day we would head in for training at the JV office. Here's a photo of the three guys trying to all fit into the back of Gord's minivan on the way to the office.

Once at the office Gord, Theresa and Sarah took us through our training, answered all our questions, and took great care of us. I have to say that not once during our whole time in Chicago were we ever hungry! They even took us out for Chicago style pizza on our last night there.

I think what impacted us the most during our time in Chicago was getting to experience the heart of JV as these three shared their not just their time, but their lives as well. What a treat it was to see our friends Brad & Laurel Jenkins (from Multnomah) and to get to know Jamey & Meredith Hutton. We can't wait to see all these guys again!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Prayer Cards

We've been asked by several people lately if we have prayer cards or magnets yet.

The answer: not yet . . . but we're working on it.

On Sunday, Lynn (my sister) took Matt and me to a local park to try to get some prayer card worthy type photos. Here are a few that didn't make the cut - but they're fun.

I think Lynn had fun!

Leavin' on a Jet Plane

We're so excited . . . tomorrow morning (bright and early, 6am actually. Yeah, too early, I know) Matt and I are boarding a flight to Chicago to attend JV's Orientation. Not only will we get to see our good friends Brad and Laurel Jenkins, but being a part of JV will start to feel a little more official - finally! :-) I can't wait!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

"I'm really not just bloated"

So, today I am officially at 19 weeks and I'm feeling a lot better than the first 16 weeks. For those of you wanting a belly shot, this is me today:

And this was me at 16 1/2 weeks:

I think I'm finally starting to look pregnant and not just bloated. :-)