A little over a week ago I Matt got to see my Grandpa again and quite possibly for the last time. He's an old corn farmer from Iowa who has lived a full and honorable life. He is 94 and still going (must be all that bacon and eggs for breakfast over the years). I got to see him and my grandma every Christmas when they flew out to Oregon to see two of their daughters and families that live here. We would also travel to Iowa every other summer to visit them and my aunt, uncle, and cousins there.
Over the last few years since Grandma passed, Grandpa hasn't felt as young and spry as he used to and didn't make it out this last Christmas. But luckily my aunt and uncle took some time off to fly with him out to Oregon one last time. It was good to see him and hang out but at the same time hard knowing that this goodbye would be the last time we see him till heaven. I choked a little bit as I said that last goodbye and "I'll see ya upstairs." He promptly replied "you'll see me with my wife"... such a testament to a guy who still loves his bride and can't wait to see her again. He's been a great example of one who loves God and his family well.
Here is a photo of the four generations.
Eliana with Sharon and I, My Mom and her dad, My Pa and his dad (who's 93)