Saturday, March 31, 2007

The American('s) Dream

They say that you are really starting to understand another language when you begin to have dreams in that language. I don't know who says it or if its true at all but I spoke some Lithuanian in my dream a couple nights ago.

So I (Matt) had a dream that I was back in the states for a week on vacation and while perusing through the supermarket I bumped into a middle aged woman with her daughter who said "atsipraĊĦau" (excuse me or sorry).

I then said in Lithuanian "oh are you from Lithuanian?" (Genius question huh?)

She replied in her native tongue, "yes" and then proceeded to ask where the Vodka section was in the store. (there are usually large alcohol sections in most stores here)

I explained where it was and took them there.

Though I really have no idea the interpretation of the dream, for those of you who try to find meaning in dreams. I did however find it fairly interesting and Sharon thought it was quite funny.

The End.


Anonymous said...

Indeed it sounded like a silly dream.. but as one who likes has an intrest in dream intepatations.. (hidden gift of mine from God) i shall do my best for you on this. When you lead someone to something like an object like you did Matt.. that means.. your a leader & you are meant to lead people. The middle aged woman repersents where some people come to know Christ in their lives because they once perhaps believed but are wanting to find a "true meaning in their lives" the little girl repersents the young people of her generation and after hers etc. to find Christ & to carry out His name if she chooses to fallow Him.
i keep my prayers out for you & sharron too daily. May God bless you both forevermore.

Anonymous said...

i just watched your wideo. it made me giggle because there's a lot of willages in slovenia, too.


Suzanne said...

This is a great story! :) Sharon, did you receive my e-mail about the article? It's going live tomorrow. I still wanted to know how many years you were an RD. I changed names. :)

Suzanne said...

The article is up. I'm sorry I wasn't able to touch base with you before it went live. Thanks for lending your wisdom!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sharon! Love the blog! And wouldja email me at Multnomah?

Anonymous said...

Hi guys, I don't have a clue what the dream meant but I do find it amazing that I can put the name of my Matron of Honour into google and find out that she is living a very long way from where I thought she was. I am going to keep searching a bit harder until I find your email address so I can contact you direct. I have missed you heaps over the years and would love to catch up.

Matt & Sharon Mormance said...

Hi Mel (Pols) - It was so great to get your comment on our blog and I am just sitting down right now to email you and realized that I do not have your email address. You can reach us at Hopefully you will see this comment. I would love to get in contact with you again!! Sharon

Dena said...

Hi Sharon! (Dena) I was a freshman at MBC 96-97 when you were RD; found you through Annie's blog; visit mine and comment if you want to get in touch!

daylon said...

funny dream. Cute picture. You two are great together!

Anonymous said...

one word mance, one word - boozer