Friday, December 19, 2008

Books . . . in English!

One thing I've (Sharon) really enjoyed since being back in the States is the opportunity to have access to so many books - in English! :-)

Here are some of the books I've read over the past few months. If you've read any of them, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

He Loves Me by Wayne Jacobsen
Like I mentioned in my last post, I am on my second reading of this book since July. It has really given me a fresh view into what it means to walk in and rest in the Lord's unconditional love.

The Selfless Way of Christ

by Henri Nouwen
Of course you gotta love anything by Henri Nouwen. My favorite book by him is still In The Name of Jesus.

The Organic God
by Margaret Feinberg
To be honest, it's been a while since I read this book and I finished it just because I like closure :-) But I know of others who really enjoyed it.

The Shack
by William P. Young
Ahh. . . the book that has prompted so much discussion and even controversy! My two comments are: first, I loved it. And second I think it is important to remember that Young did not write this book to be a theological treatise. He wrote it to help his kids understand how he has processed through a lot of pain and mistakes in his life.

God's Blog
by Lanny Donoho
Another book that I read a while ago. Honestly this book didn't impress me too much.

What Your Childhood Memories Say About You
by Dr. Kevin Leman
A fascinating read!

Strengthsfinder 2.0
by Tom Rath
This book comes with a code you can enter online to take the Strengthsfinder test. But since I borrowed this book from my sister, no test for me. Still, I found myself resonating with about 7 or 8 of the strengths listed. Great read!

Christ-Centered Coaching by Jane Creswell
While I enjoyed reading this book, I have to say that I learned more about HOW to coach from taking Creswell's class at Western Seminary. This book seems more aimed at outlining the benefits of coaching. Still - it's always fun to read a book written by someone you respect and with whom you've had the opportunity to interact.

Scientific Progress Goes "Boink"

by Bill Watterson
Last but not least, everyone needs a little brain candy! :-) I like the way that Watterson makes his readers laugh while still provoking their thoughts.

I love how books can challenge and stimulate thinking! If you've come across any must-reads (especially ones that have come out in the last two years) I'd love to hear about it!


colin mattoon said...

Gerry Breshears has some interesting and very good thoughts on the shack...

Matt & Sharon Mormance said...

Thanks Colin - I'll check out the link.

Anonymous said...

do tell what you think your strengths are! I recommend taking the test's a good one. The questions actually change as you go through the test. Merry Christmas to you guys. We missed you at SPLICE. We are looking forward to seeing you here in P-town!

Video Promotions said...

I like Dr. Kevin Leman too. I met him when helping him produce his video series "Value Packed Parenting."

Since then, I've supported his efforts to make parenting easier by devoting a blog to his video series.
Watch a short clip from Making Children Mind without Losing Yours

I think his latest book release "How to Have a New Kid by Friday" is good, and thanks to your post I want to read "What your childhood Memoeries say about you."