Thursday, August 13, 2009

Back from Slovenia

I got back late Saturday night from my trip to Slovenia to help with Kriz, which is an intensive 2 week Bible and theology course for college students.

In all the trip was amazing. I not only got to see the country and city where my wife, daughter, and I will live one day soon, but I also had the chance to meet and begin some great relationships with the students we'll be working with. I could go on and on about how excited I am about each of the students, 3 guys and 6 girls, that attended the conference. They were definitely the highlight of my trip.

The conference went well. John MacMurray did a great job as he taught a New Testament overview as did Hondo Wynn with Bible Study Methods and Josh Patty who taught on the Holy Spirit. They threw a dog a bone and let me teach a couple times too. Speaking of idioms, it was fun to watch some of the americans teach and realize just how many figures of speech we use, which are tough to translate.

I loved my time there, though it was tough to be away from my wife and daughter. The students asked, "when are you coming back to live here?" To which I replied, "hopefully soon." So please pray that the financial support we need comes in so that we can go over to Slovenia and start a university ministry.


Josh and Kristi said...

We're praying! Just talking about you last night by the way and so pleased the Lord has brought you our way!

FE_MAN said...

Just thought I would "drop you a line" before I "hit the sack" and I hope I am not "jumping the gun" by telling you to "break a leg".

Take it easy!

Andrea's Adventures said...

Welcome back. I'd LOVE to see you guys and meet Eliana before you head off again!
